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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Jefferson P. Swycaffer

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Last Updated: gallyangel

Jefferson P. Swycaffer

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Full Name: Jefferson Putnam Swycaffer
Born: September 11, 1956
San Diego California, USA
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: American


Jefferson Putnam Swycaffer is an American writer best known for his "Traveller-like" science fiction who lives in San Diego.

Jefferson Swycaffer started his writing career in 1979 at the age of 23 with "At the Sign of the Brass Beast", a swords & sorcery short story published in Andrew J. Offutt's anthology Swords Against Darkness IV. The same year, his short story "A Typical Night in the Life of Nine Ordinary (?) People" was published in the December 1979 edition of Dragon (Issue #32).

In 1984, seven years after the publication of the popular science fiction role-playing game Traveller, Swycaffer wrote Not in Our Stars, a science fiction novel published by Avon Books that used themes and tropes used in Traveller. Swycaffer did not have a license from Game Designers Workshop to publish Traveller material, so he did not use Traveller's "Charted Space" locations or any personalities mentioned in the game. Instead, he set the novel in an area he called the Concordat of Archive. He followed this in 1985 with two more "Traveller-like" Concordat novels (The Universal Prey and Become the Hunted), and a collection of Concordat short stories in 1986 (The Praesidium of Archive), all published by Avon.

In 1988, Swycaffer moved to New Infinities Productions to publish three books in the Tales of the Concordat series.

Swycaffer then left the "Traveller-like" universe to write Warsprite (1990), and War of the Futures (1991), both published by TSR.

Works in the WWEnd Database


 1. (1985)
 2. (1984)
 3. (2016)
 4. (1985)
 5. (1986)

 Tales of the Concordat

 1. (1988)
 2. (1988)
 3. (1988)