all, (this topic came up in an author thread for Gene Wolfe but i did not want it to get lost so i figured i's start another thread here.) we've added series information to the novel record to help folks get started on the right book in a series. (i've been halfway through a couple books only to discover that i was in book 2 of a series. that's really annoying.) you can see the series info in most of the books by gene wolfe. it's in the info table at the top of the novel page under the publisher details. we'll be filling them in as we go along but it may take some time before we get that complete. we'll add in some other functionality as time goes on to make it easier to get that info. maybe make the series name clickable to take you to a list of books in the series. something like the search results. we'll also need to link to the other books in any series that are not award nominated books and are not in our database. that will allow you to buy then from our amazon store at least. another issue we hope to address is the bibliography info on the author pages. perhaps we'll list the books by series instead of just chronologically. check it out and if you've got any comments or suggestions please post them here. - dave