hey all, we've just pushed some new updates to the site that i'd like to point out: - generally we did a bunch of clean up like moving the jump links out of the right column and putting them under the title and author/publisher names on those pages. - replaced the main header graphic on the author pages with a swankier one - updated the author and publisher pages to include the novel tagging color coding. now you can go to an author's page and see your reading history for that author or go to a publisher page and see what books by that publisher you've read etc. we'll be adding this feature to the awards landing pages very soon. - in the My World page we've split the favorites list in 2 so now you have favorite SF and favorite Fantasy lists. we're working on an edit feature that will allow you to move items around in your list. that should be ready shortly. stay tuned! - we've also added a ton of new synopses and excerpts to the database and we're working on cleaning up our publisher data as well. let us know what you think of the changes and keep an eye on this thread for future updates! - dave |