hello all, we've just added a new page to the Resources section called Author Videos. pretty self explanatory really, but i'll give you a few details about where we're going with this. - the videos we present are all related to the authors in our database. we've got biographies, interviews and talks given by various authors on various subjects mostly related to their books and writing etc. - we'll be adding to the list as we find more. if you know of a good video we've missed please let us know about it. we're mostly looking for authors in our database but any good vids by SF&F authors will be considered. the videos must be on you tube for us to add them to the play list. - this page will house all the videos we find in one place. we're working on adding the vids to the individual author pages so look for that soon. - the video page will change and evolve over time as circumstances dictate. we may end up ditching the player and go to links or something like that. if you have ideas on how we can improve it let us know. there's some really good stuff in there so check it out. the Neil Gaiman Authors @ Google video is very interesting and entertaining. - dave |