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What are we reading in June 2022?
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Posted 2022-06-01 3:06 AM (#23993)
Subject: What are we reading in June 2022?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1045
Location: UK
Dusty's TBR for June

SF/F reads
Jay Kristoff - Empire of the Vampire
Sarah Pinsker - Song for a New Day
Shirley Jackson - We Have Always Lived at the Castle
Poul Anderson - The Star Fox
Poul Anderson - The Queen of Air and Darkness

from other genres
David Blake - St Benet's
Louise Penny - A Rule Against Murder
Agatha Christie - Hound of Death
Beatrix Potter - Selected Tales

I doubt if I'll finish Empire of the Vampire.I have less than 10 days,and someone else has reserved it .Its nearly 800 pages long
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Posted 2022-06-01 6:06 AM (#23994 - in reply to #23993)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 573
Location: Great Lakes, USA
My list for June:

Fevered Star - Rebecca Roanhorse
Perihelion Summer - Greg Egan
The Exiled Fleet - JS Dewes
Spear - Nicola Griffith
Eyes of the Void - Adrian Tchaikovsky
A Crown of Swords - Robert Jordan

2 Joe Pickett books, the latest Phryne Fisher book, a Preston and Child thriller and a Peter Shandy mystery.

The library holds all came at once. No reading my personal book backlog this month. I am almost finished with Fevered Star which is excellent. I am still slogging through The Exiled Fleet. I am determined to finish this someday. I didn't mean to have so many mysteries pile up. Inhibitor Phase is still sitting in the living room waiting. I doubt I will get to it this month.

Edited by daxxh 2022-06-01 6:11 AM
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Posted 2022-06-14 3:02 PM (#24027 - in reply to #23994)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?


Posts: 100
Having a reasonable month for sci-fi. I have read;

Shards of Earth - Adrian Tchaikovsky (a little disappointed because I had such high expectations after loving Children of Time)
The Animals in That Country - Laura Jean McKay (a novel that is surely divisive but had a really good premise)

I should also read Road Out of Winter by Alison Stine and my son is insisting I finish reading the The Hunger Games trilogy. He's absolutely loved the series and it's quite nice him being of an age where we are now reading the same books.

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Posted 2022-06-21 8:47 AM (#24035 - in reply to #24027)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 306
How did I miss this thread? (I loved Fevered Star also)
Here?s my June list:
All the Horses of Ireland
A Mirror Mended
Cats of Tanglewood Forest
The Lighthouse Witches
The High House
Under Fortunate Stars*
Siren Queen*

Finishing now:
The Grief of Stones*
Suzanne Palmer?s Bots of the Lost Ark*
The Future Library

The starred ones are my favorites! Always happy to see what others are reading!
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Posted 2022-06-23 6:09 AM (#24036 - in reply to #24035)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1045
Location: UK
I've had a shocking reading month. Spent quite a lot of time reading light fluff crime etc. Also some varied short SF,since with my bad eyes I cant focus (both physically and mentally .lol) on reading fo long. I hope to read Poul Anderson's Queen of Air and Darkness before the end of the month,and will try to finish my eead of Mercedes Lackey's Sacred Ground.
I am once again postponing Sarah Pinsker's Song for a New Day. I drag through perhaps 80 pages in 2 or 3 sittings and then give it up for a couple of weeks. Cant see whats so fantastic about it.Because of the covid connections? Pobably. World building is OK but I cant connect with the young heroine(?) Rosemary,kept wanting more of Luce. And I find the writing rather clunky. Putting it aside for a couple of weeks,and then will tackle the last 120 pages. And this won out against A Memory Called Empire? Huh!
I also read a little of Empire of the Vampire,just fun fluff IMO,but its so LOOONG.About 800 pages .Next month........
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Posted 2022-06-23 6:16 AM (#24037 - in reply to #23993)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1045
Location: UK
Oh dear. I am having a problem with lette ''r''s. I think my little granddaughter spilled a lot of cake crumbs on the laptop. Ever since the letter ''r'' has been going AWOL! I corrected about 6 naughty disappearing characters,but I see there are still about 3 or 4 still in hiding. Just believe I'm just semi literate,I wont mind.
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Posted 2022-06-23 4:51 PM (#24038 - in reply to #23993)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1045
Location: UK
Oh wow! Just ealized I have been on WWEnd for 10 years,posted 29 May 2012 for the first time. Fell into the website purely by chance,as I had decided to get back into science fiction after decades away fom the genre.I came back from abroad in the 80s,after a decade or more in a place without libraries or bookshops. The SF field had changed dramatically - in fact apart from cyberpunk it almost seemed moribund.All my old favourites like Heinlein,Asimov and the like were no mooe on the library shelves Fantasy was now king,and I have never been much of a fantasy fan - Lord of the Rings excepted
It was a bit intimidating seeing all those lists,wonderful but showing up my major ignorance on many fronts. Still dont like some sub genres,and still am no fan of fantasy,but I at least have read large numbers of famous novels,and have at least a fair oveview of the field,and my porfile shows I have listed over 1600 books read from dear old WWEnd lists.
I'm 74,will I manage another decade of reading and adding to my shelf?In the lap of the gods,but at least for now I will continue on adding priceless knowledge from this site to my rather wonky brain.

Long live this wonderful site!
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Posted 2022-06-23 4:59 PM (#24039 - in reply to #23993)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1045
Location: UK
Hey daxhh,you joined at the same time as I did! Cool.
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Posted 2022-06-24 6:41 PM (#24042 - in reply to #24039)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 573
Location: Great Lakes, USA
@dustydigger - Wow. I can't believe it has been 10 years! I found this site by chance as well. I don't remember what I was looking for but I found the site and joined the WoGF challenge even though it was late in the year and I wasn't sure if I could finish it.

I love this site. I find all kinds of recommendations. Hope it stays around for many years to come.
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Posted 2022-06-24 6:58 PM (#24043 - in reply to #23993)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 573
Location: Great Lakes, USA
What I have read in June

Fevered Star - Rebecca Roanhorse. Excellent. Can't wait for the next one.

The Drawing of the Three - Steven King. Liked The Gunslinger. Didn't really like this one. I have the whole series and several friends who loved it, so I will read the next one.

Perihelion Summer -Greg Egan. Short, but Good.

Spear - Nicola Griffith. Ok. Just couldn't get into a female Percival.

Lisey's Story - Stephen King. Meh. After Duma Key and Under the Dome, which I really liked, I couldn't really get into this one. (A friend gave me a trunk full of Stephen King books and I am reading them slowly. )

I am still trying to finish The Exiled Fleet. But, Eyes of the Void came in so I have started that. I like it much better.
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Posted 2022-06-25 8:14 PM (#24044 - in reply to #24043)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 306
Just looked and it?ll be 10 years for me next February! I had no idea. Definitely just fell into this website. Maybe someone from my book club on GR mentioned it.
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Posted 2022-06-26 2:58 PM (#24047 - in reply to #24044)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?


Posts: 100
And I have been here for ten years next January! I've dipped in and out as my time to read has changed. Almost certainly I found this place by accident looking for a list of Hugo winners or something. It has been interesting watching the changing nature of awards over the last decade, and when you look at the older awards you can see the changes in tastes and perspectives over time. It's quite interesting to reflect upon.

@Dustydigger - that's some going to get up to that many books listed here! I'm not quite so vicarious a reader but now and again I like to look back at what I have read and read my old reviews. I sometimes feel a little sad that I won't get round to reading everything I want to in this life, but it does make me appreciate the time I have had to read the wonderful books I have.

It's a real gem of a site this place!
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Posted 2022-06-29 3:38 PM (#24051 - in reply to #24047)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1045
Location: UK
Managed to complete Sarah Pinsker's A Song for a new Day after all,cant say I was very impressed. Lots of medical stuff this month,including a CAT scan,waiting for results. So I have just been reading fluff,just light fun kindle unlimited stuff,not countable on here. Next month I had better read some stuff of the WWEnd lists,or I'll never reach my 80 reads on my Pick N Mix or the 100 for Illegible Scribbles Books read in 2022 challenge! lol.
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Posted 2022-07-03 8:11 PM (#24059 - in reply to #23993)
Subject: Re: What are we reading in June 2022?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 306
Speaking of illegible scribble-seems to be MIA? concerning
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