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Our reads in December
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Posted 2021-12-02 3:23 PM (#23565)
Subject: Our reads in December

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1045
Location: UK
Share your reading with us.
I could have sworn I opened a December thread,must have forgotten to press save!

Dusty's TBR for December
SF/F reads
Jack London - The Scarlet Plague✔
Ted Chiang - Hell is the Absence of God
Roger Zelazny - Creatures of Light and Darkness
Brian Aldiss - Hothouse
Lester Del Rey - The Mysterious Planet
Kenneth Robeson - Man of Bronze✔

from other genres
Hope Mirlees - Lud-in-the-Mist
Joan Hiat Harlow - Thunder from the Sea
Nathaneal West - Day of the Locust
Anonymous - Epic of Gilgamesh✔
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Posted 2021-12-02 3:27 PM (#23566 - in reply to #23565)
Subject: Re: Our reads in December

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1045
Location: UK
Just finished Jack London's Scarlet Plague and it holds up surprisingly well (published 1912).I'm sure George R Stewart was inspired by this book when writing his iconic Earth Abides.London was remorseless and even brutal in his book,and it must have made uncomfortable reading during the horrific Spanish Flu epidemic a handful of years later. Good stuff!
Also finished the delightfully pulpy and preposterous Doc Savage: the Man of Bronze.Doc is as near superman as any human can be,and whenever a problem arises we find he can overcome it. 1000ft high sheer cliff face.No problem,he can utilise even the tiniest cracks in his climb. Someone tries to gas him? No problem,he can hold his breath for double the time of the finest pearl diver.Needs a cure for a dreadful disease.? In a mere one day he discovers a cure because he is one of the greatest scientists,virologists and doctors in the world. Enemy in a plane wanting to attack? He is a better pilot than the Red Baron,and soon destroys the attacker. And so on,and on. Absolutely hilarious. I have book 2 on hand and when I need cheering up a bit,the Doc is the perfect medicine.
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Posted 2021-12-02 8:47 PM (#23567 - in reply to #23566)
Subject: Re: Our reads in December

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 573
Location: Great Lakes, USA
I have three more books in the King Arthur challenge to read this month. Taliesin is one I will read for sure. The others may change from what I have listed. Maybe Arthur Rex and Merlin.

I also plan on rereading Dune over the holidays. I may also read the two newest Dune books - The Duke of Caladan and The Lady of Caladan depending on library availability. If I decide to buy them, I will read them next year as I try not to buy hardbacks. I move too much and books are heavy.

I will probably read whatever books I get for Christmas as well. Very much looking forward to time off from work.

I am trying to decide what challenges I will post for 2022. Read the Sequel and Space Opera will definitely be returning. My TBR pile is overflowing the bookcases, so I will probably come up with a couple new ones to try to put a dent in it.
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Posted 2021-12-28 10:55 AM (#23607 - in reply to #23565)
Subject: Re: Our reads in December

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1045
Location: UK
Sorry not to around this month. I had a horrendous viral infection that lasted right through November,was better for about10 days then Mr Dusty brought home ANOTHER dose. He got better in a matter of days,I am still hacking and coughing after 3 weeks. Also I have pernicious anaemia,so I suffer greatly from lethargy,brain fog and depression at times.Had to cancel Xmas with the family - we are a horde! lol - so things have been quiet for once.
S,o though I have read quite a bit of light stuff,Hornblower in Space sort of stuff which didnt need much effort,I have been online very little,not too strong on focusing in anything very taxing,to say the least,or posting much. But I have lifted my spirits a little building up next years TBR.Still lots of Golden Age stuff,and lots of high quality short fiction on my agenda,but I intend to focus on the Hugos this coming year. I've read all the winners up till very recently,but there are a huge number of nominees I havent got to yet.Still 157/331 titles to read. So I must get stuck in .lol
I look forward to setting up our next thread,''Our reads in January 2022''. I hope more people will join our tiny band and tell us wjhat they are reading!
See you all in January!
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Posted 2021-12-28 8:13 PM (#23613 - in reply to #23607)
Subject: Re: Our reads in December

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 573
Location: Great Lakes, USA
WhooHoo! I finished my 2021 challenges. I read a lot of King Arthur books this month. I had wanted to read the sequels to Mary Stewart's The Crystal Cave , but couldn't find them, so I read other books. I went to my hometown library over the holidays because they were having a fill a grocery bag for $5.00 sale and what did I find - an omnibus of the first three books of Mary Stewart's series. Now I have the sequels as well as my own copy of The Crystal Cave. I will read them soon.

I am reading The Duke of Caladan at the moment. I should finish it before the new year starts.

2021 was a good reading year because of Covid. I doubt I will read as much in 2022. My new public library doesn't have the awesome selection of science fiction that my old one did, so I am going to be reading a lot more of my unread books. Hopefully, I won't buy a ton more. (I know I will, because buying books is way too fun.)

I have put in the Read the Sequel and Space Opera Challenges for 2022 as well as another new challenge. I am looking forward to picking the books for them in the next couple of days.

Happy New Year to you all!
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