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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

From a Certain Point of View: Star Wars (A New Hope)

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From a Certain Point of View: Star Wars (A New Hope)

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Author: Elizabeth Schaefer
Publisher: Del Rey, 2017
Series: Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View: Book 1

1. From a Certain Point of View: Star Wars (A New Hope)
2. From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back

Book Type: Anthology
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Space Opera
Galactic Empire
Military SF
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Experience Star Wars: A New Hope from a whole new point of view.

On May 25, 1977, the world was introduced to Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, and a galaxy full of possibilities. In honor of the fortieth anniversary, more than forty contributors lend their vision to this retelling of Star Wars. Each of the forty short stories reimagines a moment from the original film, but through the eyes of a supporting character. From a Certain Point of View features contributions by bestselling authors, trendsetting artists, and treasured voices from the literary history of Star Wars:

Table of Contents:

Title Author(s) Character(s)
Raymus Gary Whitta Raymus Antilles
The Bucket Christie Golden Tarvyn Lareka
The Sith of Datawork Ken Liu Arvira
Stories in the Sand Griffin McElroy Jot
Reirin Sabaa Tahir Reirin
The Red One Rae Carson R5-D4
Rites John Jackson Miller A'Koba
Master and Apprentice Claudia Gray Qui-Gon Jinn
Beru Whitesun Lars Meg Cabot Beru Whitesun Lars
The Luckless Rodian Renée Ahdieh Greedo
Not for Nothing Mur Lafferty Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes
We Don't Serve Their Kind Here Chuck Wendig Wuher
The Kloo Horn Cantina Caper Kelly Sue DeConnick and Matt Fraction
Added Muscle Paul Dini Boba Fett
You Owe Me a Ride Zoraida Córdova Brea Tonnika and Senni Tonnika
The Secrets of Long Snoot Delilah S. Dawson Garindan ezz Zavor
Born in the Storm Daniel José Older Sardis Ramsin
Laina Wil Wheaton Yavin 4 rebel troopers
Fully Operational Beth Revis Cassio Tagge
An Incident Report Mallory Ortberg Conan Antonio Motti
Change of Heart Elizabeth Wein Unidentified Imperial Navy Trooper
Eclipse Madeleine Roux Breha Organa
Verge of Greatness Pablo Hidalgo Wilhuff Tarkin
Far Too Remote Jeffrey Brown
The Trigger Kieron Gillen Chelli Lona Aphra
Of MSE-6 and Men Glen Weldon MSE-6-G735Y
Bump Ben Acker and Ben Blacker
End of Watch Adam Christopher Pamel Poul
The Baptist Nnedi Okorafor Omi
Time of Death Cavan Scott Obi-Wan Kenobi
There is Another Gary D. Schmidt Yoda
Palpatine Ian Doescher Darth Sidious
Sparks Paul S. Kemp Dex Tiree
Duty Roster Jason Fry Col Takbright
Desert Son Pierce Brown Biggs Darklighter
Grounded Greg Rucka Nera Kase
Contingency Plan Alexander Freed Mon Mothma
The Angle Charles Soule Lando Calrissian
By Whatever Sun E. K. Johnston and Ashley Eckstein Miara Larte
Whills Tom Angleberger


from "Master and Apprentice" by Claudia Gray

Some believe the desert to be barren. This proves only that they do not know the desert.

Deep within the dunes dwell small insects that weave nets to trap one another, and burrowing snakes with scales the color of stones so that no hunter can find them. Seeds and spores from long-dead plants lie dormant in the warmth, waiting for the rainfall that comes once a year, or decade, or century, when they will burst into verdant life as brief as it is glorious. The heat of the suns sinks into the grains of sand until they glow, containing all the energy and possibility to become glass the color of jewels. All of these sing individual notes in the one great song of the Whills.

No place is barren of the Force, and they who are one with the Force can always find the possibility of life.

Awareness precedes consciousness. The warmth is luxuriated in and drawn upon before the mind is cognizant of doing so. Next comes the illusion of linear time. Only then does a sense of individuality arise, a remembrance of what was and what is, a knowledge of one's self as separate from the Force. It provides a vantage point for experiencing the physical world in its complexity and ecstasy, but the pain of that separation is endurable only because unity will come again, and soon.

That fracture from the all, that memory of temporal existence, is most easily summed up with the word the fracture was once called by. The name.


The name is spoken by another. Qui-Gon has been summoned. He draws upon his memories of himself and takes shape, reassembling the form he last had in life. It seems to him that he feels flesh wrap around bones, hair and skin over flesh, robes over skin -- and then, as naturally to him as though he had done so yesterday, he pulls down the hood of his Jedi cloak and looks upon his Padawan.

"Obi-Wan." It is worth the travail of individual existence just to say that name again. So he says the other name, too. "Ben."

Obi-Wan Kenobi's hair has turned white. Lines have etched their traces along his forehead, around his blue eyes. He wears Jedi robes so worn and ragged as to be indistinguishable from the garb of the impoverished hermit he pretends to be. Most would walk past this man without a second glance. Yet while Qui-Gon perceives the physical realities of Obi-Wan's appearance, he is not limited to human sight any longer. He also sees the confident general of the Clone Wars, the strong young Padawan who followed his master into battle, even the rebellious little boy at the Temple that no Master was in any hurry to train. They are all equally part of Obi-Wan, each stage of his existence vivid in this moment.

"You are afraid," Qui-Gon says. He knows why; the events taking place around them are clearer to him than they are to Obi-Wan. "You seek your center. You need balance."

The living find it difficult not to tell the dead that which they already know. Obi-Wan doesn't even try. "There may be Imperial stormtroopers waiting for Luke at the Lars farm. If so--"

"Then you will rescue him." Qui-Gon smiles. "Or he may rescue himself. Or the sister will find the brother instead."

Obi-Wan cannot be so easily comforted. "Or he could be killed. Cut down while still hardly more than a boy."

To Qui-Gon, all human lives now seem impossibly brief. Years are irrelevant. It is journeys through the Force that matter. Some must struggle for that knowledge through many decades; others are very nearly born with it. Most never begin the journey at all, no matter how long they live.

But Luke Skywalker...

"Luke has a great journey yet to go," Qui-Gon says. "It does not end here."

"You've seen this?"

Qui-Gon nods. This relieves Obi-Wan more than it should, because he cannot guess the shape that journey will take.

Copyright © 2017 by Elizabeth Schaefer


From a Certain Point of View

- Ann Walker


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