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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Out of Time's Abyss

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Out of Time's Abyss

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Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Publisher: Ace Books, 1963
Series: Caspak: Book 3
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction / Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Pulp
Human Development
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This is the tale of how the leader of the group, Bradley, was carried off by the flying men of Caprona, and deposited into the clutches of the diabolical Wieroos who used the skulls of their victims to pave the streets of their city.

Young traveler and adventurer Bowen Tyler has been marooned with his wife on Caspak, a mysterious and uncharted land far in the southern seas. Here Time's laws have been reversed, and the denizens of a thousand lost ages struggle for supremacy. Amidst these terrors, Bowen Tyler seeks to find and rescue his lovely wife.

By an uncanny stroke of luck, Tyler has contacted the outside world. To his aid came Tom Billings in a powerful seaplane, flying over the unscalable cliffs that wall Caspak from the world. But the tropic jungles of this weird valley are alive with a thousand dangers, and Billings, too, has become lost, leaving his associates, Bradley and the others, behind at the hastily-constructed "Fort Out of Time's Abyss Dinosaur" to await his return with Bowen Tyler.

This Novel is contained in the collection The Land Time Forgot.


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Out of Time's Abyss

- Thomcat


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