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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Far Rainbow

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Far Rainbow

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Author: Arkady Strugatsky
Boris Strugatsky
Publisher: Macmillan Publishing, 1979
Original English publication, 1967
Original Russian publication, 1964
Series: Noon Universe: Book 8
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Imagine a small planet, far away, where the winds are warm and gentle, the seas forever calm, the land fertile. A place where children grow up happy and strong. Where poets and painters wander in solitude and perfect safety. The planet's name? Rainbow.

This was the world to which the physicists came, bent on testing the amazing phenomenon of their newly discovered "zero-physics." Their mission, they said, was benign. Vast benefits to humanity would flow from it. So what if their experiments caused huge eruptions at the planet's poles? So what if they occasionally touched off the territying Wave, capable of killing living things on contact? They were, they said, in complete control. There was nothing to worry about.

Far Rainbow is the provocative, adventure-filled story of what happened to the lovers, the artists, the politicians, the children, the scientists, and all the other people on planet Rainbow the day the experiments went out of control.


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