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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Light Brigade

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Last Updated: illegible_scribble

The Light Brigade

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Author: Kameron Hurley
Publisher: Saga Press, 2019

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Military SF
Time Travel
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They said the war would turn us into light. I wanted to be counted among the heroes who gave us this better world.

The Light Brigade: it's what soldiers fighting the war against Mars call the ones who come back... different. Grunts in the corporate corps get busted down into light to travel to and from interplanetary battlefronts. Everyone is changed by what the corps must do in order to break them down into light. Those who survive learn to stick to the mission brief--no matter what actually happens during combat.

Dietz, a fresh recruit in the infantry, begins to experience combat drops that don't sync up with the platoon's. And Dietz's bad drops tell a story of the war that's not at all what the corporate brass want the soldiers to think is going on.

Is Dietz really experiencing the war differently, or is it combat madness? Trying to untangle memory from mission brief and survive with sanity intact, Dietz is ready to become a hero--or maybe a villain; in war it's hard to tell the difference.


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The Light Brigade

- illegible_scribble
The Light Brigade

- Jain
The Light Brigade

- Adele1967
The Light Brigade

- spoltz


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