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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Cast in Conflict

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Cast in Conflict

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Author: Michelle Sagara
Publisher: Mira Books, 2021
Series: Chronicles of Elantra: Book 17
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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A Dragon and ten Barrani wouldn't be anyone's ideal roommates if a person wants peace and tranquility at home. The residue of three Draco-Barrani wars can make things pretty awkward--on a good day. Kaylin Neya has run out of good days.

In the upheaval surrounding the Academia, the Tower in the fief of Candallar is now without its lord. The Towers were created to protect Elantra against Shadow. Dragon Bellusdeo wants to captain the Tower and continue a war she'll never be able to abandon. But Sedarias, leader of the Barrani cohort, wants the Tower for the cohort. And Barrani and Dragons don't negotiate, even when they're living under the same roof.

If there were ever a time for Shadow to strike, it's now, when alliances are fractured and the Tower is vulnerable for the first time in centuries. More than ever, Kaylin needs her friends to work together if they're going to be able to stop the threat to Elantra.


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