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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Bloodchild and Other Stories

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Bloodchild and Other Stories

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Author: Octavia E. Butler
Publisher: Open Road Integrated Media, 2012
Four Walls Eight Windows, 1995

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Book Type: Collection
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Six remarkable stories from a master of modern science fiction.

Octavia E. Butler's classic "Bloodchild," winner of both the Nebula and Hugo awards, anchors this collection of incomparable stories and essays. "Bloodchild" is set on a distant planet where human children spend their lives preparing to become hosts for the offspring of the alien Tlic. Sometimes the procedure is harmless, but often it is not. Also included is the Hugo Award-winning "Speech Sounds," about a near future in which humans must adapt after an apocalyptic event robs them of their ability to speak.

In these pages, Butler shows us life on Earth and amongst the stars, telling her tales with characteristic imagination and clarity.

Table of Contents:

Some edtions also included

Listen to a podcast of the story "Bloodchild" at Drabblecast.


No excerpt currently exists for this novel.


An enthralling collection

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