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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Physiognomy

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The Physiognomy

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Author: Jeffrey Ford
Publisher: Golden Gryphon Press, 2008
Avon, 1997
Series: The Well-Built City Trilogy: Book 1

1. The Physiognomy
2. Memoranda
3. The Beyond

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Magical Realism
Weird (Fantasy)
Urban Fantasy
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The nightmare metropolis called the Well-Built City exists because the satanic genius and Master, Drachton Below, wished it so. And few within its confines hold the power of Physiognomist First Class Cley. With scalpels, calipers, and the other instruments of his science, Cley can divine good and evil, determine character and intelligence, uncover dark secrets and foretell a person's destiny, through the careful study of facial and bodily features.

But now the Master has ordered the great physiognomist out of the City on a seemingly trivial assignment into the rural hinterlands. but there, removed from Below's omnipresent scrutiny, even the most loyal servant of logic and order can fall prey to seductions of the flesh and spirit. And in this strange and unfamiliar place possessing terrors uniquely its own, there are stark truths awaiting the eminent Cley -- and inescapable revelations that could shatter his perceptions of himself, his profession, and his world.


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The Physiognomy

- Bormgans
The Physiognomy

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The Physiognomy

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