
R. A. Salvatore
Homeland Cover



Uhmm… dark elves? Ok. Underground world full of "hundreds" of various species of often nefarious species. Evil at every step, bred into the main race. Spirits, magic, spider gods, gnomes, giants...this fantasy book has it all.

It is essentially the story of an internal fight against evil. A dark elf, raised by his unknown-to-him father, in a twisted matriarchal world where men are indentured servants, fights against nature and attempts to keep his, uhm, dark elvishness at bay, and become what he feels correct.

The father alludes to 'not being from here', so I often found myself wondering if faeries and dark elves were the same, and the father was really a fae. The book is not terribly long however, and I believe there is a ton of sequels, so I'm sure that and the 'mining gnome city' visitory would be covered then. I'll probably revisit this series eventually and read a couple more, for being so overboard fantasy it is quite readable. Well except for the nonsense names that I kept getting mixed up.
