Ghost of a Chance

Mark Garland, Charles G. McGraw
Ghost of a Chance Cover

Ghost of a Chance


Both Commander Chakotay and Captain Janeway see dreams, or visions, of an unknown alien race that is faced with a catastrophe. The Voyager arrives at a new system that has a dwarf star. The ship is badly damaged. They go on an orbit around a nearby planet but the planet, Drenard Four, is protected by radiation so Voyager's sensors are diminished. But they can still detect powerful energy readings from the planet, even though the population seems to be pre-industrial. However, the readings fluctuate a lot. Also, powerful planetquakes will probably tear the planet apart.

An alien ship, belonging to a species called the Televek, is orbiting the planet. They claim that they can help rebuild the Voyager and are interested in helping the Drenarians. However, Neelix knows that the Televek are arms merchants known to escalate war so that they can sell arms to all sides. The Televek send three ambassadors to negotiate. The ambassadors appear very charming and convincing.

This was an okay Star Trek book. Janeway is faced with two difficult problems: if she should trust the Televek and how to help the Drenadians.

Chakotay and Janeway are the main POV characters and we get brief POVs from Kim, Paris, and Torres, as well. While we didn't get much POV from Torres, she had a lot to do and was perhaps best written from the crew. This was written for the first season.