Agents of Light and Darkness

Simon R. Green
Agents of Light and Darkness Cover

Agents of Light and Darkness


I had some issues with the first book in this series, Something from the Nightside, mostly on style, and I was pleased to see a lot of the rough edges smoothed in this second outing, which I enjoyed much more. Green extends our knowledge of the Nightside but in a more subtle way, and adds considerably to what we know of the characters, which was fun and interesting. Green exuberantly loads his book with all sorts of creatures, can be very gory at times, and engages us with his characters in an enjoyable way. He often has his own take on stock tropes of the genre. He is hired to locate a Grail, but it is an Unholy Grail, the cup Judas drank from that fateful night. There are warring angels looking for the grail, and the "good" angels are as ruthless and cruel as the Fallen. We are kept on the edge of our seats with gripping action, and all in all, though not a masterpiece, the book is an excellent light read. I will certainly continue with this series.