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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Pantheon Books

Pantheon Books

Founded: 1942
Founded by: Jacques Schiffrin
Titles/Circulation: Unknown


Fleeing the Nazis in 1941, Pantheon founder Jacques Schiffrin arrived in New York with little money but a rich experience in publishing. Schiffrin had founded "Edicions de la Pleiade" in France after World War One, publishing affordable, but classic, literature. Forced to leave France during the Nazi occupation, he left for New York city and founded Pantheon Books in 1942. Not surprisingly, Pantheon's focussed on publishing titles related to the French Resistance! Pantheon grew to gain a reputation for publishing thought-provoking, and sometimes cutting- edge, works, from such authors as Simone de Beauvoir, C.G.Jung, and albert Camus. In 1961, Pantheon Books was purchased by Random House. Today, Pantheon offers a wide range of titles, including comic reprints (Graphic Novels), and many of its award- winning titles focus more on Fantasy than Science Fiction.

Works in the WWEnd Database



Authors Published

• Mark Danielewski  • Kevin Brockmeier  • Daniel Kehlmann  • Charles Yu  • Salman Rushdie  • Shaun Hamill  •  Djuna  • Alan Lightman  • Philip Dick  • Italo Calvino  • Peter Dickinson  • Charlotte Gilman  • Dexter Palmer  • Karin Tidbeck  • Robert Irwin  • Yasutaka Tsutsui  • Austin Grossman  • Joseph Campbell  • Julio Cortázar  • James Gleick  • Ben Dolnick  • Nana Adjei-Brenyah  • Yoko Ogawa