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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Ziesing Books

Ziesing Books

Founded: 1972
Founded by: Mark V. Ziesing
Shingletown, CA USA
Titles/Circulation: Unknown


Ziesing Books specializes in Sci Fi, Fantasy and Horror publishing and bookselling, run by the founder and his wife. This small but interesting press produces some interesting, and award- winning, titles in a variety of genres, and is well worth checking out.

Works in the WWEnd Database


Authors Published

• Joe Lansdale  • Gene Wolfe  • Howard Waldrop  • Harlan Ellison  • John Skipp  • Craig Spector  • John Shirley  • Neal Barrett  • David Schow  • Eugene Byrne  • Nancy Collins  • Dan Simmons  • Kim Robinson  • Bruce Sterling  • Iain Banks  • Stephen King  • Melissa Brite  • Kim Newman  • Patricia Cadigan  • Alfred Attanasio  • Ian Watson  • Brian Stableford  • Lucius Shepard  • Michael Moorcock