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Jodi Taylor

Long Story Short

Chronicles of St. Mary's

Jodi Taylor

This collection brings together seven short stories from the internationally bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series, and one special guest tale from somewhere completely different.

Includes brand-new St Mary's short story "When Did You Last See Your Father?" and original introductions from the author. From riotous misbehaviour in Victorian London to ingenious feats of scientific invention (powdered water - just add water!), and from a chaotic Nativity play starring a vengeful Angel Gabriel to an illegal expedition to Mars, Jodi Taylor knows how to spin a good yarn.

Table of Contents:

  • Christmas Past (2017) - short story

The Farrells are together at last for their first St Mary's Christmas, a time of riotous misbehaviour and the traditional illegal Christmas jump - this time to Victorian London.

  • The Battersea Barricades (2018) - short story

A glimpse into the past of some of your St Mary's favourites characters in the throes of Civil Uprisings.

  • The Steam-Pump Jump (2018) - short story

St Mary's Max is injured and tied to Sick Bay but obviously a good historian would never let that get in her way. Step forward, Mr Markham...

  • And Now For Something Completely Different (2019) - short story

Who would the St Mary's team be to turn down a little Christmas expedition to Mars? An illegal Christmas jump is traditional, after all.

  • When Did You Last See Your Father? (2019) - short story

Have you ever wondered how things would go if Max's husband met Max's father? This is the story of what can happen if St Mary's doesn't like someone...

  • Desiccated Water (2019) - short story

Professor Rapson breaks astonishing new ground with his latest feat of scientific invention.

  • Markham and the Anal Probing (2019) - short story

When Markham disappears in the middle of nowhere, Max jumps to the logical conclusion - alien abduction.

  • Little Donkey [Frogmorton Farm] (2019) - short story

A chaotic Nativity play like no other, starring a donkey intent on eating the baby Jesus and a vengeful Angel Gabriel.

The Long and Short of It

Chronicles of St. Mary's

Jodi Taylor

Behind the seemingly innocuous facade of St. Mary's Institute of Historical Research, a different kind of academic work is taking place. Just don't call it "time travel" - these historians "investigate major historical events in contemporary time." And they aren't your harmless eccentrics either; a more accurate description, as they ricochet around history, might be unintentional disaster-magnets.

The Chronicles of St. Mary's tells the chaotic adventures of Madeleine Maxwell and her compatriots - Director Bairstow, Leon "Chief" Farrell, Mr. Markham, and many more - as they travel through time, saving St. Mary's Institute (too often by the very seat of their pants) and thwarting time-traveling terrorists, all the while leaving plenty of time for tea.

The Long & Short of It collects all of Jodi Taylor's St. Mary's short stories in one single volume. From Julius Caesar in Ancient Rome to a 1601 performance of Hamlet with Shakespeare himself playing the ghost, Max and the gang never seem to have trouble finding ways to insert themselves into prickly situations. And don't worry, there's plenty of Christmas cheer (and just a little bit of mischief) thrown in for good measure.

Table of Contents:

  • When a Child Is Born (2013) - short story
  • Roman Holiday (2014) - novelette
  • Christmas Present (2015) - short story
  • Ships, Stings, and Wedding Rings (2015) - short story
  • The Great St Mary's Day Out (2016) - short story
  • My Name Is Markham (2016) - short story
  • The Very First Damned Thing (2015) - short story
  • A Perfect Storm (2017) - short story

Just One Damned Thing After Another

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 1

Jodi Taylor

History is just one damned thing after another - Arnold Toynbee

Behind the seemingly innocuous façade of St Mary's, a different kind of historical research is taking place. They don't do "time-travel" - they "investigate major historical events in contemporary time". Maintaining the appearance of harmless eccentrics is not always within their power - especially given their propensity for causing loud explosions when things get too quiet.

Meet the disaster-magnets of St Mary's Institute of Historical Research as they ricochet around History. Their aim is to observe and document - to try and find the answers to many of History's unanswered questions... and not to die in the process.

But one wrong move and History will fight back - to the death. And, as they soon discover, it's not just History they're fighting.

Follow the catastrophe curve from eleventh-century London to World War I, and from the Cretaceous Period to the destruction of the Great Library at Alexandria. For wherever Historians go, chaos is sure to follow in their wake...

A Symphony of Echoes

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 2

Jodi Taylor

In the second book in the Chronicles of St Mary's series, Max and the team visit Victorian London in search of Jack the Ripper, witness the murder of Archbishop Thomas a Becket in Canterbury Cathedral, and discover that dodos make a grockling noise when eating cucumber sandwiches.

But they must also confront an enemy intent on destroying St Mary's - an enemy willing, if necessary, to destroy History itself to do it.

A Second Chance

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 3

Jodi Taylor

St Mary's is back and nothing is going right for Max. Once again, it's just one damned thing after another.

The action jumps from an encounter with a mirror-stealing Isaac Newton to the bloody battlefield at Agincourt. Discover how a simple fact-finding assignment to witness the ancient and murderous cheese-rolling ceremony in Gloucester can result in CBC - concussion by cheese. The long awaited jump to Bronze Age Troy ends in personal catastrophe for Max, and just when it seems things couldn't get any worse - it's back to the Cretaceous Period again to confront an old enemy who has nothing to lose.

So, make the tea, grab the chocolate biscuits, settle back and discover exactly why the entire history department has painted itself blue...

A Trail Through Time

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 4

Jodi Taylor

St Mary's is back and is facing a battle to survive in this, the fourth instalment of the Chronicles.

Max and Leon are reunited, and looking forward to a peaceful lifetime together. But, sadly, they don't even make it to lunchtime.

The action races from 17th-century London to Ancient Egypt and from Pompeii to 14th-century Southwark as they're pursued up and down the timeline, playing a perilous game of hide-and-seek, until they're finally forced to take refuge at St Mary's - where new dangers await them.

As usual, there are plenty of moments of humour, but the final, desperate Battle of St Mary's is in grim earnest. Overwhelmed and outnumbered and with the building crashing down around them, how can St Mary's possibly survive?

So, make sure the tea's good and strong...

No Time Like The Past

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 5

Jodi Taylor

St Mary's has been rebuilt and it's business as usual for the History department.

But first, there's the little matter of a seventeenth-century ghost that only Mr Markham can see. Not to mention the minor inconvenience of being trapped in the Great Fire of London... and an unfortunately-timed comfort break at Thermopylae leaving the fate of the western world hanging in the balance.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 6

Jodi Taylor

Max is back! New husband, new job, and a training regime that cannot fail - to go wrong!

Take one interim Chief Training Officer, add five recruits, mix with Joan of Arc, a baby mammoth, a duplicitous Father of History, a bombed rat, Stone Age hunters, a couple of passing policemen who should have better things to do, and Dick the Turd.

Stir well, bring to the boil - and wait for the bang!

Lies, Damned Lies, and History

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 7

Jodi Taylor

I've done some stupid things in my time. I've been reckless. I've broken a few rules. But never before have I ruined so many lives or left such a trail of destruction behind me.

As Max would be the first to admit, she's never been one for rules. They tend to happen to other people. But this time she's gone too far and everyone is paying the price.

Grounded until the end of time, how can she ever put things right?

And the Rest Is History

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 8

Jodi Taylor

"Because, my dear Max, you dance on the edge of darkness... and I don't think it would take very much for you to dance my way."

When an old enemy appears out of nowhere with an astonishing proposition for Max -- a proposition that could change everything -- Max is tempted. Very tempted.

With an end to an old conflict finally in sight, it looks as if St Mary's problems are over with. Can they all finally live happily ever after?

As everything hangs in the balance, Max and St Mary's find themselves engulfed in tragedies worse than they could ever imagine.

Is this the end?

An Argumentation of Historians

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 9

Jodi Taylor

Behind the seemingly innocuous facade of St. Mary's Institute of Historical Research, a different kind of academic work is taking place. Just don't call it "time travel" -- these historians "investigate major historical events in contemporary time." And they aren't your harmless eccentrics either; a more accurate description, as they ricochet around history, might be unintentional disaster-magnets.

From Tudor England to the burning city of Persepolis, from a medieval St. Mary's under siege to Victorian Rushford and a very nasty case of gaol fever, Max is struggling to keep her private life intact. There's an ambitious programme hindered by giant teapots, plus Mrs. Midgely's objection to dead hamsters in her airing cupboard, and Mr. Markham's stubborn refusal to reveal his exact marital status.

And as if that's not enough -- the unfortunately not leprosy-laden Malcolm Halcombe is back. Admittedly, none of this is the most secure platform from which to launch an initiative to bring down the renegade Clive Ronan, but hey -- what's the worst that could happen?

Hope for the Best

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 10

Jodi Taylor

Max is no stranger to taking matters into her own hands. Especially when she's had A Brilliant Idea. Yes, it will mean breaking a few rules, but - as Max always says - they're not her rules.

Seconded to the Time Police to join in the hunt for the renegade Clive Ronan, Max is a long way from St Mary's. But life in the future does have its plus points - although not for long.

A problem with the Time Map reveals chaos in the 16th century and the wrong Tudor queen on the throne. History has gone rogue, there's a St Mary's team right in the firing line and Max must step up.

You know what they say. Hope for the best. But plan for the worst.

Plan for the Worst

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 11

Jodi Taylor

I would have trusted this man with my life. Until a couple of days ago, anyway.

You know what they say - hope for the best, but plan for the worst.

Max is quite accustomed to everything going wrong. She's St Mary's, after all. Disaster is her default state. But with her family reunited and a jump to Bronze Age Crete in the works, life is getting back to normal. Well, normal for St Mary's.

And then, following one fateful night at the Tower of London, everything Max thought she knew comes crashing down around her.

Too late for plans. The worst has happened. And who can Max trust now?

Another Time, Another Place

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 12

Jodi Taylor

At long last it's all over. Job done. Max has her life back and everything is set for the traditional happy ending. Except, this is St Mary's and if something can go wrong, it will.

Disaster is piled upon catastrophe. A new Head of Security. A new Director of St Mary's. Historians lost in time. And Max dishonourably discharged.

Jobless and homeless, she receives an offer she cannot refuse and suddenly finds herself in another time and another place. Just a way to pass the weeks until she can reunite with Leon - or so she thinks. Because events are on the move and, as usual, St Mary's is at the centre of the storm.

A Catalogue of Catastrophe

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 13

Jodi Taylor

Finally - finally! - Max has that nice office job she's always wanted. The one with no heavy lifting and no one tries to kill her. Well, one out of two's not bad...

Punching well above their weight, Max and Markham set out to bring down a sinister organisation founded in the future - with a suspicious focus on the past.

Max's focus is staying alive long enough to reunite with Leon and Matthew, alternately helped and hindered by St Mary's. Who aren't always the blessing they like to think they are.

But non-stop leaping around the timeline - from witnessing Magna Carta to disturbing a certain young man with a penchant for gunpowder - is beginning to take its toll. Is Max going mad? Or are the ghosts of the past finally catching up with her?

The Good, The Bad and The History

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 14

Jodi Taylor

St Mary's is under investigation. Their director has been shot and Max is Number One Suspect. Can things get any worse? We all know the answer to that one.

Max needs to get away - fast - and a Brilliant Idea soon leads her to a full-scale uprising in twentieth-century China. If she can come by a historical treasure or two in the process, even better. That is, if she makes it out alive.

Then there's the small matter of Insight - the sinister organisation from the future hell bent on changing History for their own dark ends. Having successfully infiltrated their ranks, Max is perfectly placed to stop them. But she knows her cover will soon be blown - because it's already happened.

Can Max take down Insight before they come after her? The circle is closing, and only one can survive...

The Ballad of Smallhope and Pennyroyal

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Smallhope and Pennyroyal: Book 1

Jodi Taylor

Meet Lady Amelia Smallhope, for whom there is no problem that can't be solved by a drink and a think.

And Pennyroyal, for whom there is no problem. Ever.

Everyone's favourite bounty hunters. Sorry - recovery agents. No bad guy they can't handle. No expense account too flexible. No adventure too outrageous.

Join them as they settle scores, break every rule in the book and take the world by storm. Fasten your seatbelts. The timeline doesn't know what's hit it.

Doing Time

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Time Police: Book 1

Jodi Taylor

A long time ago in the future, the secret of time travel became known to all. Everyone seized the opportunity - and the world nearly ended. There will always be idiots who want to change history.

And so, the Time Police were formed. An all-powerful, international organisation tasked with keeping the timeline straight. At all costs.

Their success is legendary, and the Time Wars are over. But now the Time Police must fight to save a very different future - their own.

This is the story of Jane, Luke and Matthew - arguably the worst recruits in Time Police history. Or, very possibly, three young people who might just change everything.

Hard Time

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Time Police: Book 2

Jodi Taylor

A time slip in Versailles, problems in the Ice Age and illegal time travellers in need of rescue. Must be a job for the Time Police. Luke, Jane and Matthew are back and ready to cause havoc - inadvertently or otherwise - in their latest adventures.

Saving Time

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Time Police: Book 3

Jodi Taylor

Life is good for Team Weird, now heroes and fully fledged Time Police officers. Luke can't wait to bear arms. Jane has a date. And Matthew still hasn't had his hair cut.

But Time waits for no one and neither do criminal masterminds. A major threat to the Timeline is looming, one far deadlier than mere idiots who want to change history. And when a familiar face becomes a Very Important Lead, will conflicting family loyalties spell trouble for Team Weird?

One missing. One guilt-ridden. And one facing the end of their Time Police career before it's even begun. Not so good then, after all.

About Time

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Time Police: Book 4

Jodi Taylor

Patience is not a virtue known to the Time Police. And Commander Hay is facing the longest day of her life...

After their heroic efforts to safeguard the Acropolis and prevent the Paris Time-Stop, the Time Police have gone from zero to hero. Then one fateful mission to apprehend a minor criminal selling dodgy historical artefacts blows up in all their faces.

An officer is attacked within TPHQ. A prisoner is murdered. And investigations are about to lead to the one place where no officer can legally tread.

Worst of all, trouble is brewing for Luke, Jane and Matthew as a shocking revelation threatens to tear Team Weird apart for good.

Killing Time

Chronicles of St. Mary's: Time Police: Book 5

Jodi Taylor

'I'm just stepping outside. I might be some Time.'

Is this Luke Parrish sacrificing himself to save others?

A ghost train, lost in Time, hurtles through the night with two members of Team 236 trapped on board while the third struggles to track their progress through the Time Map and effect a rescue.

With Lt Grint and Team 235 in hot pursuit, what is the future for Team 236? And do they even have one?

Can't find the Jodi Taylor book you're looking for? Let us know the title and we'll add it to the database.