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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Rite of Passage

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Rite of Passage

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Author: Alexei Panshin
Publisher: Gregg Press, 1976
Ace Books, 1968
Series: Gregg Press Science Fiction Series: Book 27
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Colonization
Human Development
Soft SF
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After the destruction of Earth, humanity has established itself precariously among a hundred planets. Between them roam the vast Ships, doling out scientific knowledge in exchange for raw materials. On one of the Ships lives Mia Havero. Belligerent soccer player, intrepid explorer of ventilation shafts, Mia tests all the boundaries of her insulated world. She will soon be tested in turn. At the age of fourteen all Ship children must endure a month unaided in the wilds of a colony world, and although Mia has learned much through formal study, about philosophy, economics, and the business of survival, she will find that her most vital lessons are the ones she must teach herself.

Published originally in 1968, Alexei Panshin's Nebula Award-winning classic has lost none of its relevance, with its keen exploration of societal stagnation and the resilience of youth.


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